What have I worked on in Javascript?

Starting off as a pure Front End developer on vanilla Javascript ES5 and jQuery in 2010, I moved on to frameworks such as AngularJS and BackboneJS in 2013, along with libraries such as Zepto and UnderscoreJS.

Since then I have transitioned into a Front End and Server Side engineer, working on NodeJS, ExpressJS and frameworks such as ReactJS, in both ES5 and ES6.

What has been my experience in CSS you ask?

I started off with CSS2, and Bootstrap 1 in 2010.

Once CSS3 kicked in, I started working on it, and on Bootstrap 2.

In addition, I also worked on pre-compilers such as Sass, Less and frameworks such as Burbon and Neat, and Foundation

What about HTML markup?

I have worked with HTML5 for the last few years, and have used most of it's features

Some of the APIs I have worked with include Semantic Tags, Storage APIs, Web Sockets and Web Workers

What have I done on the other side?

I started off working with NodeJS for the first time while using build tools ruch as Grunt and Gulp, with npm.

Later, I started working with NodeJS in earnest, creating API end points and after that, full ExpressJS applications. I currently work with a NodeJS/ExpressJS/BackboneJS web application, that gets ~10,000,000 unique hits a day.

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